Evaluation form

Help us to design the most relevant educational programs for you.

Please rate the interviews based on the following criteria. This activity...(Required)
... was based on relevant and current evidence.
Please rate the interviews based on the following criteria. This activity...(Required)
... increased my knowledge of the topic.
Please rate the interviews based on the following criteria. This activity...(Required)
... focused on competencies relevant to my practice.
Please rate the interviews based on the following criteria. This activity...(Required)
... will help me improve patient care within my clinical practice.
How useful to you personally was each session?(Required)
Introduction to precision medicine
How useful to you personally was each session?(Required)
Precision medicine applied to paediatric endocrinology
How useful to you personally was each session?(Required)
Nurses as stakeholders for digital precision medicine
How useful to you personally was each session?(Required)
Psychological aspects of precision medicine in paediatrics
How well did the interviews fulfil the following learning objectives? After watching the interviews, I am now able to…(Required)
... explain the concept of precision medicine and how it can be applied to paediatric endocrinology.
How well did the meeting fulfil the following learning objectives? After watching in the interview, I am now able to…(Required)
... debate the key role nurses play in the application of precision medicine to paediatric endocrinology.
How well did the meeting fulfil the following learning objectives? After watching in the interview, I am now able to…(Required)
... describe the importance of incorporating psychosocial factors into precision medicine strategies.
As a result of participating in this activity, will you make any measurable changes in your role?(Required)
Do you agree that the information was overall free of commercial and other bias?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We'd love your feedback!

Please complete this short 5-question survey to help improve the content offered on this website.
Please rank the following aspects of the program from best [1] to worst [4].